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Chi Rho



The purpose of the Fraternity is to draw closer the bond of true brotherhood, promote charity, purify the system of Masonic science and prevent any further perversion of its institutions.


A candidate to be installed as a member of the Order shall be a Master Mason (in good standing of a regular and recognized masonic body) and a current member of the Phylaxis Society. Only those candidates, who are willing to commit themselves to follow the teaching of Jesus (Yeshua), pledge themselves to love God with all their heart, mind, soul and might, and love others as they love themselves, will be eligible for membership. Prior to becoming members of the Fraternity, each candidate will be interviewed to determine suitability for membership. The interview will be conducted by at least two officers of the Fraternity.


There shall be three types of members: the Charter member, the elected or honorary member and the initiated member, all being active with the power to vote. The Charter members shall be those who participated in the reorganization of the Fraternity. The elected member is to be of great distinction. The Grand Conclave Officers will determine by nomination and vote which members of the Phylaxis Society will be invited into the Fraternity as an elected/honorary member. The elected member will be enrolled into the Fraternity by submitting to the obligation. All other candidates for membership will be voted on and initiated. The initiated member will comply with the ritual.


Membership into the Fraternity must be initiated by submitting the completed Petition. Candidates for membership must be proposed and seconded by subscribing members of the Fraternity, to whom the candidate is known personally. Such proposition can be made at a regular meeting. No ballot shall take place unless the full name of the candidate, with his occupation and place of abode a well as the names of his proposer and seconder shall have appeared on the Petition. Candidate(s) will provide ample proof of membership in the craft degrees and the Phylaxis Society.

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